Daylight Sky - Seasonal Affective Disorder Lamp

  • Provides the maximum doctor recommended 10000 LUX of glare-free light at 12" to 14". To be effective, a SAD lamp must provide 10000 LUX at a comfortable distance. Many natural light lamps provide 10000 LUX only at short, uncomfortable distances.
  • Safely blocks 100% of UV for eyes and comfort. Day-Light is doctor recommended for its effectiveness and safety. The winter blues light safely blocks out harmful UV to keep the user safe while still being effective.
  • Two light settings, light therapy, and task. The SAD light therapy lamp features two light settings and doubles as both a therapy box and a desk lamp.
  • Contemporary design for home or office. The sleek white color of the 10000 LUX light box makes it perfect for at home or office use. The adjustable head gives the user options to set the height and angle at which they receive light.
  • Large 13.5 x 10" screen for maximum results. Most seasonal depression lamps feature a small screen. Our seasonal affective disorder lamp's larger than a standard screen is what makes it so effective. You'll feel the results instantly.

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