Intelect Legend XT by Chattanooga
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- The Intelect Legend XT is a clean modular design available in 2 or 4 channel electrotherapy or combination electrotherapy ultrasound systems.
- The modular design means the clinician can select a 2 channel system now and add 2 more channels later without significant cost.
- Multiple Waveforms: Interferential Premodulated Russian and High Volt Symetrical Biphasic and Microcurrent.
- Patient documentation allows clinician to capture and record accurate patient information through several programs.
- Complete session parameters can be stored on Patient Data Cards.
- Built-in card reader designed to hold patient data cards that document patient therapy and treatment outcomes.
- Customize any waveform to your specific needs and organizes user protocols alphabetically by name for easy recall.
- Comprehensive patient pain profiles are recorder with a VAS (Visual Analog Scale) Numeric Pain Index and Pain Map Profile for each patient.
- Electrode placement diagrams can be created for each patient to improve consistency of care.
- Complete information on these units are available upon request.
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